Currently decor elements are not always dominated by flowers. Use fruit as a complementary element of decoration is beginning to demand and widely used in the wedding party. The presence of fresh fruit was also functioned as part of dessert. But in the past few days, its use was combined. Being a beautiful decor element that can coupled with interest, as well as a dessert, and the famous Fountain Fruit.
According to Mona from Emerys Zinnias Floral Designer, fruit set occupies a significant position in a wedding party. The wedding itself is usually asks a series of highly structured fruit and large. Towering shape is called a fruit or fruit tower fountain.
High fruit can reach the tower usually two meters. Therefore, support should be matched by strong enough and made of iron or artificial tree. Not surprising also because the fruit has a heavier weight than the flowers. Fruit is usually a favorite grape, orange, apple, starfruit, and pear. There's even couples who use seasonal fruit. Options fruits are also adjusted to the color composition that can later be given a fresh nuance.
Fruit laying fountain itself can be divided into two. There are arranged along with fruit. Here fruit fountain serves as a Centerpiece of the dessert buffet. Fruit fountain is usually provided by the decor, while the fruit on the table provided by the hotel catering. But there is also requesting that fruit appears in the middle of the fountain as a decorative element that stands alone. Some couples even ask for a large ice sculpture and high into the container of fruit. So that guests can take the fruit that was cool and fresh as she passed.
If you are interested in using fruit fountain at your reception, consider the following tips:
- Determine the model, style fountain and fruit size you want. Adjust the size of the room, theme parties and also the overall event.
- Ask the hotel if there are special provisions if you want a fruit fountain in the reception room. You do not want any problems when decorations are made right? Maybe the hotel has a fruit creation services this fountain.
- Discuss with the decor or the caterer of technical problems, composition and peletakannya. Is fruit a decorative fountain table or stand alone course. Make sure the dessert is served party catering is available with either capable of, with fruit fountain is relatively large size.
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