Oh! First dance wedding songs is so romantic idea at the wedding day. But some brides go stress to pick one. Maybe they forced to dance with traditionally wedding songs, or family desire. Certainly a classic song like “The way you look tonight” from Frank Sinatra is a nice choice for your first dance wedding songs… but if you feel it’s not appropriate with you, don’t push you for it. Let your songs express your heart and your couple. Even it is The Rolling stone songs.
Everyone confess selecting the first dance wedding songs is not an easy task. It should be to mind wonderful memories of the shared moment at the first time you and your couple dancing as husband and wife. Every songs is great, don’t judge any songs not good to dance because your friend said that. The important thing is that you and your couple love it. It’s your wedding right? so it should be your songs which is should be the first dance wedding songs.
Let me guide you a few question to help you to decide the first dance wedding songs. Are there songs that really describe what you’re feeling today? Was there a song express your love feeling between you and your couple? Was there a song when he asks you to married? Was there a song when the first time you commit to be a couple?
If you have other songs that significant for you, I have an idea for you. How if you planning to play that song during the reception? And when the song is playing you both meet at the dance floor to dance. Where ever or what ever you are doing at that time. This is no less memorable than the first dance wedding songs
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