Why Wedding Ring Finger placed in Sweet

Follow these steps, It's really miraculous (This quotation comes from China)...

- First, show your palm, fingers curled into the middle (see picture)

- Then, the other 4 fingers arrange a meeting ends.

- The game starts, 5 pairs of fingers but only 1 pair of inseparable ...

- Try to open your thumb, the thumb represent parents, your thumb can be opened because all human beings experience pain and die. Thus, our parents will leave us one day.

- Close your thumb back, and then open your index finger, index finger represents your siblings, they have their own families, so they too will leave us.

- Now close your index finger back, go to the little finger, which represents anak2. anak2 sooner or later we will also leave the family alone.

- Next, close your little finger, open your finger where you put your wedding ring, you will be surprised that the finger will not be opened. Because the ring finger represents the husband and wife, as long as your life and your spouse will continue to cling to each other.


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